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Thread: Car show fund raiser for kids...

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  1. #1
    brickman's Avatar
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    Car show fund raiser for kids...


    Everybody and anybody who would like to help us help our local elks club to raise money for their "Christmas For Kids" fund come to West Plains Mo this saturday. The car club that I am in (Klassic Kruisers Car Club) will be putting on a show to help raise money for thier cause. It starts at 10:00 in the morning and there will be dash plaques and trophys. (the People doing the judging) It will be a $10.00 donation to enter with ALL the money going to help kids that are too poor to have a christmas. Last year they gave 160 familys a christmas that they wouldn't have had other wise. There will be alot of things going on, good food, music, booths, right in the parking lot of the Elks right on 63 highway going into town from the west.
    So if any of you CHR members are close to south central Missouri and are looking for something to do with your cars this weekend we would sure love to have you. Klassic Kruisers and myself thank you.
    "Sunshine, a street rod and a winding beautiful Ozarks road is truely Bliss!"

  2. #2
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    That's a good cause, wish I didn't have to work this weekend, otherwise I'd be there.
    Ken Thomas
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