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Thread: Carter problem

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  1. #1
    '60buickrod's Avatar
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    Carter problem


    Ok, My brother just switched to a '66 carter 4-barrel on his '66 Catalina 389 and it has a flat spot under light acceleration. Someone had said it might be the accelerator pump but I don't think so because you can hold it at the point where it stutters and it will keep stuttering. I tried putting new jets (edelbrock #1426 .095 orifice) in it and forgot to put the rods in and it ran good but when I put the rods (edelbrock #1455 7042) in it was back to stuttering. The step-up springs are edelbrock silver 8-in. Hg.
    Gerig Michael H.
    '60 Buick LeSabre Flat top x2
    '78 Mercury Monarch 2-door ghia(1 of 2 know)
    '66 Pontiac Catalina(brother)
    '98 Cadillac DeVille(parents)
    Wanted: '60 LeSabre A/C components
    "There is no doubt about precisely when folks began racing each other in automobiles.
    It was the day they built the second automobile." -Richard Petty

  2. #2
    '60buickrod's Avatar
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    oh, and the idle mixture crews don't react
    Gerig Michael H.
    '60 Buick LeSabre Flat top x2
    '78 Mercury Monarch 2-door ghia(1 of 2 know)
    '66 Pontiac Catalina(brother)
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    Wanted: '60 LeSabre A/C components
    "There is no doubt about precisely when folks began racing each other in automobiles.
    It was the day they built the second automobile." -Richard Petty

  3. #3
    '60buickrod's Avatar
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    Yeah, I had already been there. But the kit that I had bought only had 3 rods 3 jets and 4 step-up springs so I'm trying to get an idea of what range of rods & jets I need to get
    Gerig Michael H.
    '60 Buick LeSabre Flat top x2
    '78 Mercury Monarch 2-door ghia(1 of 2 know)
    '66 Pontiac Catalina(brother)
    '98 Cadillac DeVille(parents)
    Wanted: '60 LeSabre A/C components
    "There is no doubt about precisely when folks began racing each other in automobiles.
    It was the day they built the second automobile." -Richard Petty

  4. #4
    Don Meyer is offline Moderator Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I have had great sucess w/Carter(Edelbeock) carbs. I have bought around 25 from Summit. I buy the one w/a electric choke.
    Good luck....
    Don Meyer, PhD-Mech Engr(48 GMC Trk/chopped/cab extended/caddy fins & a GM converted Rolls Royce Silver Shadow).

  5. #5
    pro60chevy's Avatar
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    Re: Carter problem


    Originally posted by '60buickrod
    I tried putting new jets (edelbrock #1426 .095 orifice) in it and forgot to put the rods in and it ran good but when I put the rods (edelbrock #1455 7042) in it was back to stuttering.
    You had it running good, why not go back to that setup?
    Mike Casella


  6. #6
    '60buickrod's Avatar
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    Re: Re: Carter problem


    Originally posted by pro60chevy
    You had it running good, why not go back to that setup?
    Because I had forgot to put the rods in it, so it wasn't really tuned right. Then I tried to take the rods out again a few hours later and it ran really bad.
    Gerig Michael H.
    '60 Buick LeSabre Flat top x2
    '78 Mercury Monarch 2-door ghia(1 of 2 know)
    '66 Pontiac Catalina(brother)
    '98 Cadillac DeVille(parents)
    Wanted: '60 LeSabre A/C components
    "There is no doubt about precisely when folks began racing each other in automobiles.
    It was the day they built the second automobile." -Richard Petty

  7. #7
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    micharl h. that carter shouldnt have run good with the metering rods left out unless maybe something like the choke was on and that could override the rods. who knows. maby some vac trouble?
    check my home page out!!!

  8. #8
    '60buickrod's Avatar
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    Originally posted by lt1s10
    micharl h. that carter shouldnt have run good with the metering rods left out unless maybe something like the choke was on and that could override the rods. who knows. maby some vac trouble?
    The choke was open and the vacuum is good. When I tried running it the second time it ran really rough but not at first so I think what happend was that we just started it and immediatly started testing it so it didn't have time to start missing.
    Gerig Michael H.
    '60 Buick LeSabre Flat top x2
    '78 Mercury Monarch 2-door ghia(1 of 2 know)
    '66 Pontiac Catalina(brother)
    '98 Cadillac DeVille(parents)
    Wanted: '60 LeSabre A/C components
    "There is no doubt about precisely when folks began racing each other in automobiles.
    It was the day they built the second automobile." -Richard Petty

  9. #9
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    It's been a few years since I last worked on a Carter, but if I'm not misstaken the metering rods primary purpose is to restrict fuel through the primary jets at idle. To me that would indicate that your primary jets are too small or the metering rods are too big. If the motor has a healthy cam it will add to your problems.
    Ken Thomas
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  10. #10
    '60buickrod's Avatar
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    It's got a stock cam
    Gerig Michael H.
    '60 Buick LeSabre Flat top x2
    '78 Mercury Monarch 2-door ghia(1 of 2 know)
    '66 Pontiac Catalina(brother)
    '98 Cadillac DeVille(parents)
    Wanted: '60 LeSabre A/C components
    "There is no doubt about precisely when folks began racing each other in automobiles.
    It was the day they built the second automobile." -Richard Petty

  11. #11
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Has the carb been rebuilt lately and what size of carb?
    Ken Thomas
    NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
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  12. #12
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Tech, as usual is right on the money. The manual explains it all.
    Ken Thomas
    NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
    The simplest road is usually the last one sought
    Wild Willie & AA/FA's The greatest show in drag racing

  13. #13
    '60buickrod's Avatar
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    Has the carb been rebuilt lately and what size of carb?
    It was rebuilt about 4 months ago and was being painted for 3 so it didn't run much. It is a 625cfm

    Gerig, if you'll do what I suggested you do in the first place, your problem will be solved. Go to the owner's manual and read "Calibrating the power mode staging". It describes exactly the problem you're having and the fix for it.
    I have already read the manual and that is not what I'm looking for, I have already changed the springs and that didn't help, it just says that it could be a metering problem but I already know that. I'm pretty sure I need to lean it out because the idle mixture screws don't work but I don't know how many stages back I need to go and I want to get an idea before I go out and buy more jets and rods that won't work
    Gerig Michael H.
    '60 Buick LeSabre Flat top x2
    '78 Mercury Monarch 2-door ghia(1 of 2 know)
    '66 Pontiac Catalina(brother)
    '98 Cadillac DeVille(parents)
    Wanted: '60 LeSabre A/C components
    "There is no doubt about precisely when folks began racing each other in automobiles.
    It was the day they built the second automobile." -Richard Petty

  14. #14
    '60buickrod's Avatar
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    If I am tryin to find out about what size jets/rods i need first to save money I don't think i'll be able to buy another carb.
    Gerig Michael H.
    '60 Buick LeSabre Flat top x2
    '78 Mercury Monarch 2-door ghia(1 of 2 know)
    '66 Pontiac Catalina(brother)
    '98 Cadillac DeVille(parents)
    Wanted: '60 LeSabre A/C components
    "There is no doubt about precisely when folks began racing each other in automobiles.
    It was the day they built the second automobile." -Richard Petty

  15. #15
    '60buickrod's Avatar
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    If I could I would but he just got it painted (which reminds me. I'll post pics. in another post) and we haven't gathered anything to sell as I'm 16 and haven't had time to really get a collection of parts and we have moved twice in the last 10 months so I have already had to get rid of stuff that I had gotten.
    Gerig Michael H.
    '60 Buick LeSabre Flat top x2
    '78 Mercury Monarch 2-door ghia(1 of 2 know)
    '66 Pontiac Catalina(brother)
    '98 Cadillac DeVille(parents)
    Wanted: '60 LeSabre A/C components
    "There is no doubt about precisely when folks began racing each other in automobiles.
    It was the day they built the second automobile." -Richard Petty

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