Thread: octane boost
04-13-2006 09:37 PM #1
octane boost
need some help finding a good octane boost
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04-13-2006 10:00 PM #2
Use water injection instead. EARTH, INSANE ASYLUM FOR THE UNIVERSE.
04-15-2006 07:48 AM #3
Remember too that octane boost, for example like the 104+ really only boosts octane levels by maybe 3 points. 3 points meaning .3 not an actual 3, so 93 with the boost would only be 93.3. A waste of money if you ask me. Look into Tolulene, spelling and xylene they are good sources of octane and pump gas has these aromatics in it anyway. I was lucky and picked up on 2 55 gallon drums of Xylene for 100 dollars each, it has an octane level of 117 and I am pretty sure that is motor octane not research.
04-15-2006 09:41 AM #4
A: If you Google "Octane Booster," you'll find 4 or 5 suppliers on the first page alone.
B: Octane boosters are very expensive, and they don't work worth a darn.Jack
Gone to Texas
04-15-2006 02:59 PM #5
Just by you a few gallons of the real stuff!I have bought octane booster in the past ,and still think it was a waste of money?And I like wasteing money, my wife says.Friends dont let friends drive fords!
05-25-2006 08:35 PM #6
Only used octane booster once and that was after I ran out of gas and had to purchase regular gas in place of the premium that I needed (station was all out of premium and was the only station in town). Car pinged like crazy and had no power. Used a bottle of 104+ until I could bet to a station with 93/94. A lot of money for a little bit of nothing. About $6 for less than 8 ounces. That works out to be about $96/gallon.
05-26-2006 11:50 AM #7
Originally Posted by mopar34
luckily the cost of regular gas will be catching up with that very soonjust because your car is faster, doesn't mean i cant outdrive you... give me a curvy mountain road and i'll beat you any day
05-28-2006 12:26 AM #8
i just put a little racing fuel in with the premium. i usually go to about 3/4 of a tank at the station in premo then i put in 5 gallons of racin fuels. but basically that is the best way to boost ur octane without spending $96 a gallon. OH and it smells purtty too
06-01-2006 11:17 AM #9
Make your own--it is a lot cheaper and will raise your octane considerably. You can get the ingredients in any paint store. Go here:
'32 3W
There's no 12 step program for stupid!
06-01-2006 09:51 PM #10
very very interesting article there rumrumm
08-07-2006 01:56 PM #11
Has anyone actually tried this with the Touline or Xylene in their cars? I'm running around 10.5:1 in my small block and can notice some knock with higher RPM's. Im running Sunoco 94. Also I'm upgrading to a complete MSD ignition system, guess this should help the detonation a little?
08-07-2006 03:09 PM #12
After you install the new ignition, if it still pings, try retarding the timing two degrees and see if that helps.
'32 3W
There's no 12 step program for stupid!
08-07-2006 05:07 PM #13
Hellcaminokid....if you're running 94 and you're actually at 10.5, then there are other problems....must be too much timing. What's your total timing? You should have no pinging at all with that combo. As far as the octane thing, trying to blend all that will get old real fast. Toluene is now about 12 or 13 bucks a gallon, as is Xylene. Like 383chev says, just mix some racing fuel in with it. Better yet, dont build a street engine that needs racing fuel.When your dreams turn to dust, Vacuum!
08-07-2006 11:40 PM #14
yep its really a pain in the @$$ to have to fill up and add crap all the time, specially if you're like me and you use a tank of gas up all in one dayjust because your car is faster, doesn't mean i cant outdrive you... give me a curvy mountain road and i'll beat you any day
Way late here, but I'll blame the site being down...LOL.....keep goin' ol' guy..........
A Belated Happy Birthday JB