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Thread: How much HP is too much?

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  1. #1
    rebel8324's Avatar
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    How much HP is too much?


    Hey guys, I have a 289 in my Ranchero that is pretty much stock, with 2bbl carb, stock intake and exhaust manifold. Ive finally saved up some money to start buying parts and ive decided to stick with my engine but just buy some new parts for it to increase my HP. (new intake, carb,cam,headers,ect) But how much horsepower will my block be able to handle? Also, I have a C-4 tranny, how much could that handle? thanx guys

  2. #2
    stepside454's Avatar
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    its not so much an issue of how much HP the block can handle at all. its an issue of how radical can you make it & stay streetable(assuming thats what you plan to do) same with the tranny.
    300 streetable HP is very realistic, & even fairly economical. 400 streetable HP may even be obtainable with a real good set of heads, a bulletproof bottom end & a roller cam, beyond that your streetability will suffer. 289s are great little motors, but cheapest HP is cubic inches. Oh by the way, I assume your talking normally aspirated horse power. John
    75 GMC C-15 factory 454, automatic, lowered

  3. #3
    Dark_Knight's Avatar
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    i think anywhere between 300-350 hp for the street is an ideal range but when tuning for HP make sure you dont over look the torque
    -- Dark Knights Racing Team-- darkknightsracing@hotmail.com

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  4. #4
    ljotto1's Avatar
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    "When the going gets tough the tough say, 'HUG MY NUTS!!!"
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    How many people out there can say they've driven a ferd home with vise-grips instead of a steering wheel??

  5. #5
    ljotto1's Avatar
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    EVIL!!!!! EVIL!!!!! EVIL!!!!!
    "When the going gets tough the tough say, 'HUG MY NUTS!!!"
    Hug My Nuts Racing

    The Reward for a Job Well Done is...

    How many people out there can say they've driven a ferd home with vise-grips instead of a steering wheel??

  6. #6
    brickman's Avatar
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    "Limit's!!! We Don't Need No Stinking Limit's!!!"

  7. #7
    ljotto1's Avatar
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    "When the going gets tough the tough say, 'HUG MY NUTS!!!"
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    The Reward for a Job Well Done is...

    How many people out there can say they've driven a ferd home with vise-grips instead of a steering wheel??

  8. #8
    Troglodyte's Avatar
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    Ya keep adding horsepower and torque......when ya mash the go pedal and at end of 60 feet, find yourself upside down.you've reached your limit

  9. #9
    The F.N.G.'s Avatar
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    How much HP is too much?


    Technology is the answer.

  10. #10
    drg84's Avatar
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    Does it start? can you still controll it? will it scare the hair off from your passenger? when you have answered all of these questions Yes, your getting there.
    Right engine, Wrong Wheels

  11. #11
    Oldf100fordman's Avatar
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    I don't think there is such a thing as too much horse power.
    Duane S
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  12. #12
    Dark_Knight's Avatar
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    when you pull up to a light on your way to the store with the wife and when you floor it, the wifes Screams....is pushed back in her seat and then is holding on for dear life LOL
    -- Dark Knights Racing Team-- darkknightsracing@hotmail.com

    A deep heart felt thanks goes out to all who are on "eternal patrol" all who have gave their lives so that we could live in freedom and pursue the hobbie that we all love so much. And as you work on your hotrod today, take a moment to say thanks to all the service men and women who will never again be able to work on their own hot rods. A message from the "Dark Knights Racing Team"

  13. #13
    vara4's Avatar
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    Rebel8324; I've got a 65 Ranchero that I am working on right now. 302 is the biggest thing you can fit in the early Ranchero's with out spreading the shock towers out. But if your planning to realy build some Hp, get rid of the C-4 and get a small block C-6. I used to break a C-4 about once every couple of weeks. What year is your Ranchero?

    ~ Vegas ~

    PS talk to Dave Severson or ncranchero
    Dave can tell you how to build some power
    ask him before you start, he could tell you where
    your money would be best spent.
    Last edited by vara4; 07-11-2004 at 02:21 PM.

  14. #14
    pro70z28's Avatar
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    I think you guys are all crazy. There's no need for big horsepower in a street car. If you keep it in the sensible range ..... "say the low 4 digits" .......... that is all you should need.
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  15. #15
    brickman's Avatar
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    I think you guys are all crazy. There's no need for big horsepower in a street car. If you keep it in the sensible range ..... "say the low 4 digits" .......... that is all you should need.
    I agree, 8 seconds is 8.000 right? or is it .0800? who knows but I can't see running any amount of HP on the street that you want is wrong. It's all good fun isn't it, I say go for it. If I could run 600 hp on pump gas I would on the street in a heart beat . I am open for ideas!!!

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