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Thread: Breaking in the new cam in my 76 Vette

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  1. #16
    Driver50x's Avatar
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    I like Corvettes, but when I worked in the Chevy dealership about 80% of the Corvette owners were a complete pain in the butt to deal with.

    I’ve spent quite a few hours on the internet reading about ZDDP, additives, and which oil to use. I’m more confused about it now then before all of the reading. It seems there are a bazzillion different opinions on it. Between my wife and I, we have four vehicles with flat tappets. I can’t decide which oil is best to use.

  2. #17
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Car Year, Make, Model: '66 Mustang, 76 Corvette

    The 66 Mustang I gave to my grandson has a flat tappet cam and it's run 5W or 10W 30 Pennzoil since I built it in 79. I never ran anything but 5w/30 Pennzoil in the Vette before I let it drastically overheat which ruined the cam.
    Ken Thomas
    NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
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  3. #18
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Car Year, Make, Model: '66 Mustang, 76 Corvette

    Chasing another leak which I thought was a ticking lifter, but it was an exhaust leak. All of the exhaust manifold bolts were somewhat loose with the right bank being the worst. I'll run the valves again and set the timing and we should be good to go.
    34_40 and 36 sedan like this.
    Ken Thomas
    NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
    The simplest road is usually the last one sought
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  4. #19
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Car Year, Make, Model: '66 Mustang, 76 Corvette

    One step forward then two steps backward.
    Missouri requires a state safety inspection to renew license plates and the Vett was due in July. Too much play in both the idler arm and pitman arm, so now I'm awaiting the two parts from Willcox Corvette to come via UPS. It's driveable though there is some excess play in the steering which means it's confined to the garage, it sure does run good though.
    Mike P, rspears and 36 sedan like this.
    Ken Thomas
    NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
    The simplest road is usually the last one sought
    Wild Willie & AA/FA's The greatest show in drag racing

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