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Thread: Help with 72 454 ls6 hole in cynlinder wall

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  1. #1
    RSTING69 is offline CHR Junior sMember Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Unhappy Help with 72 454 ls6 hole in cynlinder wall


    I need advice and help. I obtained a 454 LS6 4 bolt from a friend who overrevved the motor and blew a piston. I got the motor for nothing and tore it down to find that cylinder 4 piston complete exploded and broke out a 2" by 3" hole in the dead center of the cylinder wall on the side of the cylinder wall, which it appears it went into the water jacket. The bottom of the cylinder wall partially was damaged as well but not real bad. The rest of the block is fine, has a steel crank and the rods were all good. I know most people will say it is a paperweight but it is an LS6 motor and where I am 454 motors are hard to come by.

    I did call a few engine shops who said they could sleeve the cylinder. I do not know much about sleeving, but my question is, can something like this be repaired/sleeved and my other concern is with this going into the water jacket will the sleeve seal this hole or will they need to weld the hold somehow and rebore the cylinder.

    any good advice would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Matthyj's Avatar
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    LS6 in 1972? How about a LS5 maybe, still very desirable but they didn't put out any LS6's in 72 i don't think. check your engine code and find out what you actually have to see if it's worth saving, I bet it is but I am not the guy to answer the sleeve question.
    Last edited by Matthyj; 01-28-2017 at 06:29 PM.
    Why is mine so big and yours so small, Chrysler FirePower

  3. #3
    shine's Avatar
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    i think by 72 they had dropped the ls6 . gets pretty fussy there for about 10 years of smog motors. denny will know.

  4. #4
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    If this was for a numbers matching restoration, I would sleeve it----however if it was for a car to be driven in any high output conditions-from racing to just maybe higher rpm thru the gears----------I would get another block-------

    And if it was for a planned occasional race/show car I would do a Dart SHP block and put some really big pistons in it----

  5. #5
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    There s a guy who used to race top fuel had a shop in Roselle and moved out that away-trying to remember his name/number-if I do I'll post or PM him--------I'm a little distant plus work load ---------------doubt that I could do it this year

    Also-if its the outside wall damaged I would be wary of possible splits in main web ( 4 bolt block bolt hole pretty much cuts web in two) and or cam to main oil hole split

  6. #6
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    No-he's out Rockford area now-----his name just not popping into my head -------I'll find it-he ran a front engine dragster for years and actually I think ended up with one of our Donovan original 5 blocks----He had a shop right near the Roselle airport(now Schamburg) but moved out there for $$$$$$$$$$less taxes etc

    Name is John Sennabaldi (spelling????)
    Last edited by jerry clayton; 01-29-2017 at 11:34 AM.

  7. #7
    Jematt's Avatar
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    If the damage is in the center of the bore its ok to sleeve .
    Pfeiffer's engine in freeport Illinois. Can help.
    Or Jerry's automotive and machining in Rockford (JAMAR)
    These are the only 2 i recomend

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