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  1. #31
    3rcfreak is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    76 elcamino


    Here is a few pics of my 76....i have had it for 22 years.
    I am in the process of building a 383 stroker with a 8-71 weiand blower for it.

  2. #32
    pizzi-man is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 66 El Camino LT1

    I thought to share this picture of my daughters dog that just passed last week. His name is Jones and was 13 1/2 years. My el camino needs no introduction and is driven daily

  3. #33
    glennsexton's Avatar
    glennsexton is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 63 Nova SS

    Sorry 'bout Jones. 13 plus years is a long time and anybody that doesn't love dogs will never understand the grief and sorrow we experience when loosing one. I'm sure God's got a place in heaven for our dogs (I'm not sure about cats, though)..

    Condolences to you daughter.

    Killer El Camino - I'll someday own one as I have always liked them.


  4. #34
    pizzi-man is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 66 El Camino LT1

    Hey, Thanks Glenn, She had this dog for half her life so far as she's 27. Come spring break we will be dropping in an LT1 350 in her 78 elco. She loves to wrench on her car. The 66 already has an LT1 with a 200r4.

  5. #35
    glennsexton's Avatar
    glennsexton is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Well if you're at all like I am (and it sounds like you are) time with the cars is great but time with the kids is precious! Some of my fondest memories are of a little five year old sitting on the fender asking me things like, "what does the 'caterbrater' do daddy?" When I explained that it mixes the gas and air together properly she responded, "why don't we get already mixed up from the gas station?"

    Well that little princess will be 27 this year and she still likes cars and her daddy. What blessings!!

    Love your little girl lots - She's fortunate to have you for a father!


  6. #36
    Stovebolter's Avatar
    Stovebolter is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 36 Chevrolet Low Cab

    Greeting from South Central US. Just bought our first Elky. 65 V8 Custom. Bought this for my 16 year old son. Going to be a father son project. Very driveable. Just needs paint. We're going to tackel the paint next week. Let you all know how it goes.

    Dave G
    Do not lift a rock only to drop it on your own foot

  7. #37
    fl elky is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Hey, I just joined this site. I love elkys. I have an 83 I am redoing. I am in the middle of body work and paint. The motor is done, 350 ci, 60over. It is pushing 400 to 420 hp, 375 to 380 tq. I hope to have it all done in time for the Turkey Rod Run in November at Daytona. While that is going on I am always looking for either a 69, 71 or 72 elky. Those are my favorite years.

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