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Thread: What a lousy loser!!

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  1. #1
    chopt50wgn is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    What a lousy loser!!


    I watched the finals from Pomona last Sunday. Was interesting to see 3 categories come down to this race. I have been a fan of Drag racing since I was 10 years old, so believe me I have been a fan a long time pushing 70 here.
    So I do have my favorites I like to see win but I never bad mouth another participant if they beat the person I route for.
    But after watching top fuel and seeing Brittany win and take the championship, then cry baby Torrence badmouthing the NHRA and the points countdown is just being a lousy loser. He said "I won 8 races this year" the welfare points system is bogus.
    I "used" to like him............not anymore.
    Look at Ron Capps......he won 8 races as well this year. He shook Hights hand and congratulated him and said that's racing. Was he disappointed, sure, but was a gracious in his loss. The Capco kid needs to take a page from Capps view on how to win and lose.

  2. #2
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Sigh...............class isn't equally distributed either............
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    shine's Avatar
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    snowflakes in drag racing. i dont like bracket racing but rules are rules .
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  4. #4
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Torrence knew the rules going in as has everyone since the nascar rules were adopted. I don't agree with NHRA, never have and never will and I've been around drag racing since the late 50's. It's not about drag racing, it's about money and if NHRA continues down this path they will become as extinct as the AHRA.
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    HOSS429's Avatar
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    i could tolerate watching a little bit of it when John Farce had at least ford money backing him .. but since he went to gm money and larry morgan quit i have no interest what so ever in watching 14 camaros and two no shows trying to make the field in chevy stock ( formally pro stock ) ... did they even have pro mods this year ? at least billy glidden won a race now and then ..
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  6. #6
    shine's Avatar
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    i'm hooked on Street Outlaws .
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  7. #7
    HOSS429's Avatar
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    i can only watch a little of that with the volume off .. too much cussing and fussing drama ..
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  8. #8
    40FordDeluxe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shine View Post
    i'm hooked on Street Outlaws .
    I really like to see the caliber of cars on there.

    I agree it drives me nuts all the pro stock bodies look dang near the same. A friend of mine is a Poncho nut and finished his latest car a few years ago. I really like watching and going with him. It is crazy how much money it takes to build one of these and then run it all year.

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  9. #9
    Al G is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I had the same reaction to Torrence's comments. Sore loser with no class.

  10. #10
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    I think these are some of the reasons nostalgia top fuel is growing by leaps and bounds, and the NHRA is losing spectators, My son and I have also been attending the No prep nights at the closest 1/8 mile track (Ozark Raceway) close to Ken! many of the street outlaws (from the show) have been showing up there, not that far away to OKC, they race a true street, a small tire & big tire class, the last big tire class Hellenaor took a whipping from a Sonny Leonard powered 55 Chevy with 890 some cubic inches, no tree flashlite start, just street racing on a track with no TV drama, yes they let them bet also, Only thing better is the nostalgia fuel cars for me, cause the nitro! I have just lost interest personally with the NHRA.....
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  11. #11
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    Ozark Raceway is one of the most dangerous tracks, for spectators anyway, that I've ever seen. That being said they also put on a decent show everytime they run. You never know who you're going to run into either. A couple of years ago my grandson and I sat in the pit stands and for an hour or so we shot the breeze with Scott Palmer, real down to earth guy. I for one would love to see the GBP yellow car make a pass or two along with the Winged Express and any of the other old style fuel cars.
    Garlits had the right idea when the NHRA went to 1000 feet. Smaller blowers, one mag and smaller fuel pumps, but again it's all about the money, probably why the HAMB is so popular.
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    Ken Thomas
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  12. #12
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    24 races??? arrive in area on Wednesday to park/set up on Thursday, Qual Friday/Saturday race Sunday, overnight and test/leave on Monday????% nights hotel times 24 races------120 nites at hotel near track plus multiply by number of crew----No wonder Paris Hilton isn't on TV anymore-those hotel families are too busy manipuating there immingrant work forces to handle the crowds-----Maybe the racers are transporting???????? I remember riding in the trailer inroute to some of the races---
    Next is to do map search for the time/distant of the road travel of the rigs--------and they got to wash and polish them also?????? I remember at Indy one year that Joe Gibbs racing had 6 rigs (multiple refrigs) just for hospitility----------
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  13. #13
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    i drive to Abilene instead of Ennis simply because it is smaller and more fun. very few highballers out there. racing has gotten so far removed from everyday life i just lost interest .
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  14. #14
    35WINDOW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shine View Post
    i'm hooked on Street Outlaws .
    I really enjoyed Street Outlaws before that race with Richard Rawlings (don't care for him much), but thought that Big Chief was a real jerk in that deal-I still watch it, although I am not impressed with the games that Big Chief & Shawn play against the other guys on the list (but I like Monza)-I will say though that ANY Car stuff on TV is better than NO Car stuff (even the "infomercials" on Gearz at least pertain to Cars)-

    As for the NHRA, I watch all of the Races, although I must admit that it's losing it's luster for me-I am drawn more to the nostalgic side (maybe because I'm old?), and enjoy going to the California Hot Rod Reunion,Gasser and the no prep stuff more-and Tanner gray needs to grow up and act like a Professional-I am a John Force fan though, and am glad they beat DSR this Year-

    Even as stupid as it is, I find myself watching Misfit Garage (I MUST be desperate or Brain dead-not sure which)-
    Last edited by 35WINDOW; 11-16-2017 at 12:59 PM.
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  15. #15
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    rawlings got what he deserved , he is a class a jerk. he reneged on the deal and chief ran them anyway . they built a 250k car and got their ass kicked by the poor boys from okc. i absolutely loved it .

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