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Thread: Start up 350 sbc

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  1. #1
    Hickey17 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Start up 350 sbc


    Hey folks! So I've been working on this project almost a year. Long story short I built a jeep from scratch ... last week I did all the electrical work and installed my starter.

    I got the push start diagram from this forum ... it's time for me to start it. I press the button and the engine turns .. but no gas is getting to my carburetor.

    I was told to put some gas in the carb ... can someone guide me through this process ... safely. I'm a little nervous and don't want to do anything to ruin anything. All my gas line, pumps (two one at engine block one in gas tank), fuel filters etc.

    How do I get it to turn over by manually bringing the gas to the carb.

    BTW engine is a '78 out of a Camaro REBUILT

    Thanks in advance ...

    Respect Each New Sunrize!

  2. #2
    40FordDeluxe's Avatar
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    OK, you say you have 2 fuel pumps. One in the tank and one on the engine. I'm guessing the one on the engine is mechanical, and the one in the tank is electric? Have you verified the one in the tank is working? If you want to turn the engine over without using the ignition switch, you can get a bump starter switch, or build one too.


    You will hook one alligator clip to the power cable on the starter solenoid, and the other to the s terminal on the starter solenoid. When you hit the push button the engine will crank. Please make sure the vehicle is in neutral with the park brake set if a manual trans, or in park if it is an auto.

    I'm still trying to figure out why you need 2 pumps? 1 should be plenty if this thing is near stock.
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  3. #3
    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    If pouring gas down the carb concerns you, might I suggest a can of starting fluid? The start fluid has lubricant which is an advantage. To use gas, simply pour a a little into the carb. It will sit in the bottom of the intake manifold and draw into the cylinders when you crank. Don't over do it. A small drink bottle with a 1/16" hole in the cap works well.

    You could purge the fuel line by applying power to the pump with the fuel line disconnected or cracked at the fuel pump inlet. Be carefully and clean up any spilled gas, a helper would be good. Then, you can crack the fuel line at the carb, and spin the motor till you see fuel. Now your fuel lines are purged.

    A splash of gas down the carb should spin the motor until the bowls fill and then it's running on its own.

    Be mindful of a backfire. Be careful to have timing set before you start the engine. No spilled fuel on the engine, that's a real recipe for disaster.

    In case of a backfire causing a fire in the carburetor, don't panick. Usually you can "suck it out" by cranking the engine.

    Anyway, work safe and good luck.
    glennsexton likes this.
    Education is expensive. Keep that in mind, and you'll never be terribly upset when a project goes awry.

  4. #4
    Hickey17 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    THanks ... I was just more concerned on how to do it. I was told to just drop some in the carb ... I'm new to the carb world is all

    Thanks guys !!
    Respect Each New Sunrize!

  5. #5
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    if in a garage have door open and nothing parked outside so you can roll it out if on fire

    have fire ext handy

    don't pour fuel into carb while cranking as a backfire will ignite your container and you will then toss it--a flaming Molinkof cocktail which will cause bigger fire

    do outside if possible

    check for spark
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  6. #6
    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    One may ask :

    But how do I set the timing before I start the motor?

    It's actually easy.

    Rotate the engine to compression stroke, with the timing pointer set to the correct timing.

    With power on the distributor, take #1 wire and pop in an old plug, lay it where you can see it and its body is grounded. Rock the distributor back and forth, looking for spark. (No spark? Something isn't right. Look to see if the rotor is actually pointing at #1). Keep rocking back and forth ( quickly) and guesstimate where it is actually sparking. Lock it down just tight enough that it takes a deliberate effort to turn it.

    This method will get you +/- 2*.
    Education is expensive. Keep that in mind, and you'll never be terribly upset when a project goes awry.

  7. #7
    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    BTW the fire extinguisher is a double thumbs up. I keep them all around the property.

    BUT.. I would recommend a CO2 unit. You really don't want to have to tear off the carb and intake manifold to clean out the baking soda.

    Don't ask how I know. But it WAS less work than replacing the wires and other plastic stuffs.
    Education is expensive. Keep that in mind, and you'll never be terribly upset when a project goes awry.

  8. #8
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    stop...... if this is a flat tappet cam, do not crank the motor, you will wipe off all the extreme lubricant and contribute to early failure. Remove the fuel inlet line at the carburetor and use a funnel and hose to fill the carb bowls with fuel. The battery should be fully charged, the carb should be full and the timing should be set so that the motor will fire off immediately and run between 2500 and 3500 rpm's for 30 minutes, WITH NO IDLING.
    Last edited by techinspector1; 08-18-2017 at 02:43 AM.

  9. #9
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerry clayton View Post
    if in a garage have door open and nothing parked outside so you can roll it out if on fire

    have fire ext handy

    don't pour fuel into carb while cranking as a backfire will ignite your container and you will then toss it--a flaming Molinkof cocktail which will cause bigger fire

    do outside if possible

    check for spark
    Funny stuff Jerry, LMAO.....

  10. #10
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    And have some marshnellows, hershey bars and a list of campfire songs to sing so you don't waste the opertunity
    glennsexton likes this.

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