I've been driving my 1984 vette for a couple months now. It has low milage and is in great condition, but damn that cross-fire injection is slow...I dunno the specs on this car but I have a feeling they suck. I heard that it was the worst year ever performance wise. Only good thing is the milage I'm getting.

What are my options for getting more horsepower? I don't know much about engines but I really want to learn, and I'm in no hurry, so I have a lot of time on my hands to rebuild. I just don't want to take the easy way out and buy a crate engine. Another factor is cost, I probably don't want to spend more than 5 grand on an engine. I want to do all the work myself, well at least the stuff that is possible for me to do. I can borrow tools from friends.

So with all that said, what are my options? Can I build on the block I have? And if so what do I get and what do I do? Can anyone recommend any good reading out there for kiddos like me? I like to read, learn, and dirty my hands. Thanks a bunch, guys.