Quote Originally Posted by 500caddy
whos to say what the correct geometry is??? i have found no ill effect of a socalled short rod ratio and never any differents in power. i have heard dwell intake charge etc etc. it's just not there this is my finding of yrs of building engines and dynoing for every last hp. this isn't just me but many many pro engine builders same findings. give sonny or grumpy, david reher a call and get the same answer. there's just nothing there. it's one of those myths that got out of hand and everyone thinks there is some magic number.. what is the socalled magic number ???? because i and a bunch of us can't find it..
It may be a "myth" in an engine that has to live for 6 seconds at a time in a drag car.
In any of our IMCA mod. or USMTS engines with the longer 6 or 6.125 inch rod we have found our piston skirts have less scuffing along with our piston rings sealing better and lasting longer.
Again I think it is very hard to compare a 6 second drag engine with a circle track engine that turns 20 to 25 laps on a 1/2 mile track at 8,000 rpm's.