For an engine not to start due to Hydro-locking you really have to drown it in water, a few splashes won't do that. I would pull off the carb and rebuild it. In anycase run a good lot of carb cleaner through it to make sure you have no water sitting in any passageways. water is heavier than fuel and the passages in the carb are low down, so water that got through the bowl vents would accumulate in the passageways. And first of all water doesn't burn and secondly a carb isn't made to pull water through it's passages. Quite apart from that I don't guess the puddles were completely clean water, so there's bound to be some dirt in the carb, too. Pulling the carb only takes a minute and you can repair it at home.
If your timing gear has skipped a tooth most probably you will have wrecked you engine anyway by valves hitting the pistons, you would have heard that
Be sure to cure your water problem soon, water sitting in a cylinder can create rust buildup very soon and that would break your ring seal very quickly.
I would guess it's dirt and/or water in the carb. If you have a compressed air source use it to clean the carb, then you don't need carb cleaner. be sure to take out the four jets (primary and secondary) and get the passages under them really clean. Always rebuild with new gaskets.
But as always, that's just what I would do...
Wish you luck,