Morning, a friend of mine asked me to help him restore his 71 chevelle, essentially the bodywork, wiring, interior, etc, and I gladly accepted. No big problems there. We were talking yesterday about the engine, and here is where I have a question. It currently has a stock 307 w/ 2BBl carb. He wanted to know about 1) getting a 4BBL intake and carb or 2) (his preference) putting in a 350. I haven't done a swap in a while, and never on someone else's car, and I was hoping for a little advice. Am I correct in believeing that the 350 would be a basic bolt in for this car ? Last engine swap I did was on my asphalt modified. Appreciate input.If it were my car, I'd do it, but since it's someone else's, I don't want to get his hopes up to high without being certain, especially since I am just a hobbiest.
