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Thread: Which one will work

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  1. #1
    model-a's Avatar
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    Which one will work


    Just getting ready to order a tranny mount for my 58 chevy truck and there are about three different one's to use one was 4 inch drop one 6 inch and the other one is 8 inches. I'm running a turbo 350 so which one do I use I don't ever recall this being a issue back in the day any help will be great thanks.


  2. #2
    rspears's Avatar
    rspears is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    When you say "tranny mount" do you maybe mean the rear crossmember? I would think the best way to know which one's best for you would be to put a floor jack under your tranny and with the truck on level ground adjust for the carb base to be dead level, then measure for the crossmember that's closest to that, being sure to allow for the transmission mount that you're going to use.
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  3. #3
    Matthyj's Avatar
    Matthyj is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I would mock it up and measure, I typically run as close to level as possible (this is sometimes debatable on high horsepower motors) but you are safe shooting with level. The reason for different mounts is sometimes on very lowered vehicles they raise the motor and tranny for clearance,also I built a '56 pickup long ago and lowered the motor as low as possible for hood clearance and to lower mass for less body roll.
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