As some of you guys might know I have another thread on my plans to change over my 1946 Ford from a Turbo 350 to a 4 speed. I have asked and recieved some good advice from some of you guys, Thanks. However with that said tonight I talked to Mike Forte a fellow poster on here and the owner of "Fortes Parts Connection" . To say that Mike is a wealth of information would be a gross mis-statment, Mike is very well informed and is also able and willing to help in any way he can. I was impressed with this guy and look forward to doing business with him when ever I can. He is preparing me a parts list and has ever part I need for this swap, not only that but the price's are very good. For me personally buying everything I need from one guy and getting treated like a valued customer , well that says it all.

To often we as customers and Hot Rodders we get treated like "Red Headed Step Children" Nice to find a company that is willing to get the job done in the right way.
