I'm unshure of the dimensions of a junkyard Mustang II setup but, there are companys that manufacture new 1's with diffrent widths and sizes ( I belive ). What kind of engine are you going to put in that car. I think the length of a American V8 transmission may be too long and the shifter would actully be behind the seat ( I saw 1 like that, had an olds V8 I belive and the shifter was behind the seats and a long shaft shifter was bent down to within reach and it did look like it worked but didn't look so grand because the center consol was gone and the Ebrake was where the shifter used to be and it looked empty without the consol ). You could run new linkage to the stock position but being you would have to run the linkage from the back to the front instead of the usaual front to back, you may have a reverse shift pattern like 5-3-1 depending on the original, I'd be just reverse of
R-- 4-2
the original. Maby suicide shift may be easier hookup, that's where you have like 3 shifters ( depends on how many gears ), they can be homade and it'd be like N ( first shifter ) 2 ( Second ) and sofourth . 1 3