Tonight, my back hurts. It hurts because I got off my ass and worked on the nomad.

That being said, it would be a lot worse had I not been working on my lift.

You see, I decided to finally install the high torque mini starter, after I cleaned the wheels. (So lovely to wash and polish at chest height). Well, looks like the headers had to be loosened to get it out, but I've had a leak on that side for a while, and new gaskets in the back seat, just waiting on me. When I popped the hood, the positive battery terminal was fuzzy, and it got priority. So, here I am in my lazy boy, tapping out that the battery terminal is clean, the new gasket is in place, the wheels are clean and polished, but the base of the mini starter interferes with the headers, and I can't find the heat blanket I ordered with it.

But this piece isn't about the project, but the equipment. I wouldn't have gotten all this done today without the lift. And it got me thinking about specialty equipment for the handicapped mechanic. Is there any? I know of a device that lets a person lay across the fender, especially for trucks, suvs. But even that isn't handicapped specific.

My lift helps me enormously. What tool or equipment helps you?