A week ago yesterday my wife got rear ended while waiting to left into our Credit Union. A guy driving an HHR wasn't paying attention and hit her real hard on the right side rear.
She is okay, a little achy yet and she is going for some physical therapy Monday but she will be fine. The poor van though has seen better days...
The impact rolled the right side of the bumper under the van, buckled the floor, wrinkled the pass side quarter, smashed the lower doors and tweaked the slider so it doesn't close tight.

The floor inside. You can see the amount of buckle with the shadow from the scraper handle.

Another back view to show how far the bumper rolled under.

The insurance adjuster was out early last Friday. He totaled the van, which I knew he would. I started the by-back procedure that day and have a check coming for the balance. I paid the insurance $947.00 dollars for the van and still have almost $4200 coming in the mail. I will have it fixed for less then $500.00.