Hey all! I've decided I'd like to add some custom decals to my/Dad's car (the Henry J in my avatar). Between the doors & the back window Dad had some Taz decals put on....no idea why, he was never into Taz, and they just don't seem very Dad-like to me. The car really needs a whole new paint job but I can't do it til I can really invest. For now, I'd like to get the Taz decals off and get these mermaids and maybe some seaweed & bubbles in the same place. These are from Dad's Shellback certificate from his Navy time during Vietnam. He has that & the Golden Dragon certificate....they hung in the basement by Dad's bar while I was growing up and have always fascinated me. They're mine now, hanging in my bedroom. I've debated what kind of theme to go with for any work on the car and I think this would be a great honor to him and has sentimental value to me, as well.

I'm seeing it a tad more graphic/bright & I'd like clamshells over her ta-ta's since this will go to kid friendly shows (and I have a little one as well who will go with me!).

I'm hoping to find someone to do it reasonably since it won't be a long term thing....I just don't see taz as being anything my Dad would have wanted there for long, I think it was a quick addition to add some character.

I'm going to hunt online but wondering if anyone has any sites in mind that do this?

PS, here's Dad back in the navy days....

Thanks for any tips!
