Been using some stainless to build a little wrecker type jen'pole for one of my toys. "think of Mater from CARS ,and picture his in polished SS "
While buying some odds and ends an older fella commenced to tell me about how I should not "grind" on any of the stainless I'm using for risk of detritions /oxidation .... "I thought it was stainless! "
I asked but he couldn’t elaborate … so I let it go … but now I’ve been wondering .

One of you metallUrgist care to enlighten me on this ?
Is he a sandwich short of a picnic or am I uninformed ?
I'm using stainless so it would be here for all time
Once it is all polished, Just climb up, buff a little ,wipe some polish and keep going.
from what I could gather ,cutting is fine but grinding big spots is a no, no, as in shaping w/a grinder? .

From the heat? I weld it and have never had problems...

And yes the wrecker will be functional just won't be used a lot.
just wondering if there is something i should know about SS.