I recently removed the "custom" gas tank from my 37 Cadillac LaSalle and as I had expected it will not meet my standards. Also, the dirt and at least one rock rolling around inside have not inspired confidence in this tank. But it will make good sheet metal for brackets and such. So I started shopping for a gas tank. If I assume a 37 Chevy tank will fit or could be made to fit I am looking at about $225 to my door. Then I followed a different course and considered a fuel cell. The fuel cells are much cheaper and may give me more options in how I run my filler. However, there has to be a catch.

What are the differences between a tank and a fuel cell? Is a fuel cell only for race use and going to thwart my effort to register the car...eventually...maybe...someday?

One last cautionary question, say I were to mount a smaller gas tank and my battery under the rear trunk floor, any safety concerns with doing so? Would I need to take special precautions?

Thnaks for all your help.