Here is some food for thought. I am still playing "find the perfect steering column" for my roadster pickup. All G.M. columns have that big white ugly plastic ignition switch box, setting right on top of the column where it really shows. This thing is actually operated by a rod lingage running down from the ignition key in the column. ----------Last night, as I lay trying to sleep, I had an attack of the "what ifs"----what if one extended that rod right on down thru the firewall, and put that switch on the engine side of the firewall? Then I had an even bigger "what if"----what if a person could rig a connection between that actuator rod and a flexible cable similar to the gas feed connection on your lawn mower handlebar, and route it from the steering column to a less visible aera up under the dash? It would give all those who wanted to run a GM column another option than buying a hi-buck aftermarket steering column.