November is coming, a lot can be done about it...... I do think alternative fuel is a viable alternative----but not today and not for a long time to come... I live in the middle of the corn belt in a small town of 5,000 people and we only have 1 station selling E-85. Sioux Falls is about 130,000 and has a dozen are so staitions with E-85 available..... Ethanol fuels are not the total answer, the country couldn't grow enough corn to keep up with the demand today let alone in the future. I've got nothing against the oil companies having record breaking profits last quarter, maybe our long awaited new refineries can start being built????? Alternative fuels will never replace the need for oil, but I do believe they could lessen our demand for it and hopefully stabilize the price of oil.

As Bob said, find out what your politicians stand is on the fuel situation, your vote will let him know what your position is on it!!!!!