Does anyone here do airbrushing on car's, helmets, bike tanks, etc? If so then can you give me some tips on it? I am buying a airbrush whenever I find a good deal and all because I don't wan't to go out and just buy any brush and all without info and best price. So far it's They have the cheapest prices so far and I am looking at getting a Iwata Eclipse with gravity feed. Does anyone know if that one is a good one or not because I wan't to paint anything from small stuff to bigger stuff to good detail, etc. Any info on that or tips on how to do detailed stuff and all would be greatly appreciated. I am not sure on the paints either with base coats and all because I am going to go ahead and use "Auto Air Colors" which is a water... solluble (sp) I guess that's the word. But yeah anyways thanks in advance. Also if anyone out there has MSN or AIM/AOL and can help me out through chatroom then that would be great!
