I am planning on painting my 29 model a with a urethane paint.... I talked to a local painter today and I was telling him I was planning on doing it myself and wanted a little advice.... I had told him I was going to buy a fresh air hood since I have a gotee... he told me that he does alot of side jobs in his back yard.. he has a 10x12x9 protable garage ( a materal stretched over a frame) he said that he puts a tarp to cover the grass then tapes the gaps on the sides and ceiling, he then puts a box fan in the door way with a house hold air filter in the inside (blowing in) then he has a blower/exhaust fan that moves 2200 cfms which he puts on the back of the garage blowing out.... he told me that it is plenty of ventilation like that and I can wear just a activated charcoal respirator... and that I could probably just trim my gotee back to where the mask sits against my skin..... and since I am only painting one car I would be fine since that is all he uses and paints cars all the time.... he also told me I can apply the high build primer outside put two coats on ... don't worry about debris since I will be block sanding it anyway... I just wanted some other opinions on this... especially if this system he uses will really be enough as far as ventilation and if the charcoal filter would be enough?? he said If I wanted I can borrow his fans so all Id have to buy is the temporary garage (around 300 dollars) and the face mask..and the garage would come in handy for storeing my 1992 mustang ..since it is under a cover outside ... the 29 took its place in the garage... any opinions on this and my saftey ??
