I am giving some thought to possibly painting my 53 F100. Over the years I have read rod magazine articles on painting and quite frankly fine them confusing when it comes to the different paints available. I am asking if someone could list the type paints available with information pertinent to that type paint. For some unknown reason something in the following format could clear up allot of confusion in my mind.

lacquer: used in the 50's & 60's, very fast drying, lacquer thinner used as a reducer, very high VOC's, and no longer recommended or even available in many areas. (not sure if this is totally accurate but this is my take on lacquer)

enamel: slow drying, reduced with ???, are hardeners used? does it require color sanding and buffing?? Is it used today? I am confused!

acrylic enamel: totally confused how this is different from enamel etc.

urethane: again, totally confused.

Are there other type paints?

Can all of these be topcoated with a clear coat or should some not ever be topcoated? Are all topcoats a 2 component?

Thanks in advance for any help.