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Thread: Paint Room ?

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  1. #1
    TedIII's Avatar
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    Paint Room ?


    Would like to consider building a paint room. Any one known what it would take? Or are their any kits for building one?

    67 cougar burn rubber not your soul!

  2. #2
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    Are you talking about a new building, or converting an existing room, or garage?

  3. #3
    SprayTech's Avatar
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    Inclosing your paint to a smalller room , the fumes will be even more prodominate .
    I have a mixing room next to my booth at work , and the door has to stay closed at all times , it has a fan that comes on when the lights are turned on , and it has a sprinkler system installed . All electric outlets need to be exlposion proof and OSHA approved ! A fire extinguisher on 2 walls .
    You might take a read at this . May help shed some light .



  4. #4
    TedIII's Avatar
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    I'm talking about some room I have in a 5 car garage, that I can section off and area for painting and try to have a half way acceptable looking job. Good information on the room for the paints. I don,t think at this time I would need a very large room for the paint, but understand about the exspolsion proof outlets and lite fitures, and exhaust.

    67 cougar burn rubber not your soul!

  5. #5
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    I would staple or nail some clear plastic to the ceiling using tack strips, then lay out some 2X4s on the floor to staple the bottom to. The lights in the room would shine through the plastic, or you could set up some spotlights outside the booth. If you have a window in that area, set up an explosion-proof exhaust fan at one end, to suck the fumes and dust out, then put at least 4-6 furnace filters at the other end for incoming air. wet the floor, and blow it out real good, then spray.

    If you intend to sand and buff the job, this is a more-than-adequate booth.

  6. #6
    SprayTech's Avatar
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    Should of said paint booth

    I have these at the shop , work great .
    If you do a google search for paint Prep Stations , you might get some ideas .
    Or you can go the 2x2 wood route and clear sheet roll plastic .
    Just depends on how elaborate you want and funds .


  7. #7
    shine's Avatar
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    when i was younger i did a lot of bikes . i turned a bedroom into a booth by hanging white sheets on the wall and cardboard on the floor. wet them down and you got a booth. of course the box fan in the window could have lit the place off. luck of the young i guess.

  8. #8
    TedIII's Avatar
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    Thanks guys I have a better understanding of what it takes, and how far it can be taken.

    67 cougar burn rubber not your soul!

  9. #9
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    Shine, Great minds think alike! I started in a utility room with a box fan! The lacquer fumes, combined with the beer between coats, made for a quite enjoyable experience. :-) I guess you use what ya got.

    BTW, Does "shine" refer to moon "shine", or paint "shine"?

  10. #10
    shine's Avatar
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    not sure where it came from. somewhere in the 60's but then i dont remember much of the 60's. kind of a big blurr.

  11. #11
    shine's Avatar
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    ted , keep in mind that a paint booth can be used for many things if you dont paint a lot. great for bodywork if your shops clean or it makes a good clean room to build in. mine is built with metal studs and sheetrock.
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  12. #12
    TedIII's Avatar
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    Shine, thats just what I have in mine, something I can build myself.

    67 cougar burn rubber not your soul!

  13. #13
    FMXhellraiser's Avatar
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    Shine what is the demensions on that? My dad being a contractor and all would know how to build something like that easily. I would love to build me a room like that sometime in the next 5 years (when I am around 22-23). Also Darell, that site is good. I am guessing those are all the rules, regulations/laws we need to know to have and opperate a spray booth? I don't know how much it would be to build something like that with a mixer and gun cleaner, etc but I do know that labor would be pretty much free for me, just have to buy the materials. Costy huh?

    If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!

  14. #14
    mopar978's Avatar
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    here's a pic of what I got to spray in..
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  15. #15
    mopar978's Avatar
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    Here's another,, just going through all my pics trying to find a good one.
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