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Thread: Yellow Paint

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  1. #1
    mcneilms is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Yellow Paint


    I finally got Saudi government approval to change the paint color on the Hummer to yellow. Don't ask.

    Anyway I've read about every thread on yellow. The concensus seems to be that coverage of yellow is awful poor. I will be using PPG DBU, how much base (pints or gallons) should I buy (not incuding catalysts and reducers). I would estimate the square area to be about the same as a suburban.


    Restoring '93 Hummer
    in the Desert of Saudi Arabia

  2. #2
    Ives Bradley's Avatar
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    If u have a low solids yellow, use an opaque basecoat like white-silver or grey to work with the yellow and to keep the paint from building too many mils. Too many mils of paint is bad .
    Choose your battles well===If it dont go chrome it

  3. #3
    flight704 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    white primer helps out if you can get your hands on some over there. makes it easier for the yellow to cover

    good luck with your toy.
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  4. #4
    shine's Avatar
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    i have based cars with white to do pastels which dont cover well. yellow is one of the hardest if you put it over dark sealer.

  5. #5
    mcneilms is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Anyone have any suggestion on the amount of base (DBU) to buy? I have looked at all the literature at "PPG Refinish", and it say nothing about coverage. How many gallons / pints for Yellow.

    The plan is to use a white primer, if not available the primer will be grey.


    Restoring '93 Hummer
    in the Desert of Saudi Arabia

  6. #6
    Darin is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I recently painted my firewall and dash
    for my 40 ford coupe and I used k93
    tintable sealer . It is white without tinting
    and yellow does well over white . I believe if i were you I would buy a gallon of dbu . after reducing you will end up with 2.5 gallons
    and you usually can buy a gallon for what 3 quarts would cost . I could be wrong

  7. #7
    C9x's Avatar
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    A little off the subject, but how does red do in covering dark gray primer?

  8. #8
    shine's Avatar
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    i use a tinted sealer . if you paint red over dark grey it will most likely be uneven if you paint in pieces. less mill thickness will be darker. start your color as soon as posible. tinting the primer will help cover and reduce the # of color coats. cost is about the same. but a lot easier.

  9. #9
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    I use a coat of red sealer.

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