Well I am still trying to decide what color to paint the 66. I had about 10 different idea's in mind and now down to a couple. One is a dark charchol (sp?) color with some flake or flat black. Now this is an everyday driver so if I put nice paint on it then of course it will get dirty quick and also scratched most likely. Only reason I was thinking about the semi black from John Deere is because of it's price and how I will be using this truck. I would rather have gloss finish but not sure. I really just need to take this old paint off, cut out the rust, sand off the old paint because there is bubbles in it and just paint it and seal it nicely.
Question I have...
How much would paint from a place like PPG or HOK be for a charchol color?
If I go with a gloss color then I am going to wait until the end of the summer (which means rust will probably be worse since it's getting worse everytime it rains) to save up money for it. But if I go with the JDBB then I will do it in a month (meaning I hope to have it all painted by then. The paint from John Deere isn't flat black it's a semi so not that bad even though every other person on the street has it (noone around here has it believe it or not).

Thanks for any info on this!

Second question, anyone know any sites on pinstriping? I wanna start learning how to pinstripe but need to know where to buy the materials and a site that helps you out with tips, etc.

Thanks AGAIN!