I am having fits with the base/clear Lesonal paint which I purchased for the roadster pickup, wrinkling the substrate when I spray it on previously bodyworked and primed panels. I am at the point now where I am real gunshy about painting the peices that I have left (front fenders and cowl and splash aprons),and repaint of the botched up grillshell and tailgate as they have all been extensively bodyworked and primed. Is there a good quality sealer (perhaps epoxy primer?) that I can spray on my remaining peices to ensure that they don't wrinkle when I paint them with base/clear? I need something that will absolutely seal the substrates from the reducer in the yellow base coat.--- I would prefer something that can be sprayed, left to flash off for a couple of hours, then sprayed over without sanding.---I've sanded as much as I really want to.---if that is not feasible, then something that cures for a week, then only needs to be lightly scuffed with a Scotchbrite pad---I'm getting kind of desperate here.---The darn stuff doesn't wrinkle consistently, but any wrinkling is not acceptable in a car that I have this much time and money into. I love the paint--when it goes on without wrinkling it sprays easy, has a beautifull gloss, and is everything that you would want a paint to be. Probably much of the fault is mine, as I have used various primers over the last year---laquer based primer, high solids primer, even rattlecan primer---bad on me, shoulda known better. Now I gotta get out of this fix, so hope a sealer will save my __ss