Well let me start off by saying that This seems like a great site with alot to be learned. And now a little info about what I am wanting to do. I am verry new to the painting world I have done a couple rattle can paint jobs on some friends motorcycles and last week one of my friends and I decided to give it a try with the real thing and needless to say there is alot more to it than I had ever imagined. We did end up doing a pretty good job on it (I think). And while we were doing his I also decided to paint mine as well. I have decided to go with a flat black and I havent been able to find much info on how to go about it. the thing I am most worried about is being fuel proof. So here is my question wince I am verry new to paintingwhat would be the easiest way to go about this? Can I just get any black basecoat and get a flat clearcoat? Do they even make a flat clearcoat? what is the easiest type of paint to spray? The gun I am useing is just a cheap siphon touch up gun I found at Harbor freight for $20.00. I know it isnt the best but it did a pretty good job for the bike we did last week. I am also not wanting to shell out $300-$400 on a bunch of top of the line paint since I am a newly wed on an alowance

BTW sorry for the long post and the bad spelling and gramer.