Hello der,
New to this forum and hope to share and gain more knowledge. Just got done with a tough job that others said rediculous. You know how guys are when they got there minds set on something. I had my fullsize 88 chevy 5.7 liter PU that I painted too many times, then made a mad max out of it and messed up the body. What to do with it. Engine rebulilt from the bottom up an bored. Aubrn rear solid like a rock. We put the engine, 5 speed from my truck and complete rear end into the blazer. Cut and welded the purchase. With my plazma cutter and welder, fabricated a few needed brackets. I was told by a speed shop to upgrade the tbi with larger injectors. On a hot day I run 155-160 degrees on the highway 165-170 with the air on. Next is to work on the body.