My name is Travis, 23 years old with a 1966 Mustang Coupe. Thought I would look around, pick some brains and try to figure out a direction for my car. I'm looking to make my car more of a personal car than going with a complete restoration deal. July 8th will mark my 2nd year anniversary of purchasing my car. I had been driving my car around as my everday driver before the engine crapped out, so now that it's down I thought I would go ahead and begin it's resurrection. I guess I'm what you call an entry level car guy (if that), I know enough to get myself in trouble but not enough to get myself out (which I guess would be the worst kind, but I'm trying to change that). If and when I complete this car which I call Aileen, I would like to find a 72 Chevelle SS (if possible) to dork about with.

Other than that I'm not sure what else to say.


Below is a pic of my car.