Thanks to Bob Parmenter, for the information given to me on pulling the axles out of my '69 Caddy. He told me that I wouldn't have any axle clips to pull in my differential, because I didn't have a removable plate. He also told me that I would need a slap hammer or something like that to pull the axles which he was correct in both cases. Now, since I didn't have a slap hammer to pull the axles, I took my car to my sons Auto Tech Shop at his High School,to let them do it. Needless to say some butt-head had broken in and stole all the press tools. So I had to take the axles to a machine shop to have the old sealed bearings pressed off and new ones pressed on with new seals. Now when I got there we found out that the parts store had sold me the wrong seals for the axles. When we checked to make sure that they had given me the right bearings we noticed that there was a difference. Ends up that the new sealed bearings had an O ring on the outside of the bearing case and was the right size bearing, I found out because of this newer style bearing that the outside seals were no longer needed. Has anyone ever heard of this new style bearing??? And how well do they work? I'll let you know later if I have any leaks in the rear axles. Bieng that I haven't gotten my car back yet, but the guys in my sons Auto class seems to be having a blast tearing things apart and putting them back together....I heard that they pulled off the exhaust pipes and was lettimg it idle in their bays! My son said that half the people in the school came to the shop, to hear this Hot Rod and find an old '69 Caddy on the lift idling with no exhaust on it. Nothing like big cubic inches to make a lot of noise and turn everyones head. I've since told the shop to give the car a good going over. I like seeing kids get interested in old cars and you get to watch their lights come on. (the kids lights I mean) GOOD TIMES!!!!!!
