Hello all,
I've been checking out this web site for quite awhile now and figured I might as well join in, but before I bombard you with a bunch of questions I think I should introduce myself.
My name is Ron, and yes, I'm a wrenchaholic. For a long time I was in denial, The wife would tell me I need to join some club where I can talk to people just like me. Well the wife left me, but I still have the truck
It started out innocent enough when I was a child and took apart things I couldn't put back together. Dad would get mad so I had to start learning to put stuff back together. When I was 16 the parents went out of town and the first thing I did was drive the family T-bird up a curb tweeking the upper control arm. Well, I spent the rest of the weekend at the junk yards and in the driveway fixing it and if it wasn,t out of alignment would have never gotten caught. Dad didnt get mad though. I guess because I put it back together.
The following year I was given a 72 Toyota Corona MarkIV that didnt run and was told if I could get it running ,it was mine. I was in my 2nd year of autoshop in high school and spend every moment I could in the shop getting it running. The only mistake I made was trying to rebuild a Japanese carbuerator. Don't ever do that!
Just following high school, I came across a primered '67 Mercury Cougar. I dropped a 351C in it, had it painted, beefed up the suspension a little and drove the car all over the place. I loved that car and to this day one of my favorite Fords.
My latest project has been a 69 Suburban. Now I know its no Hot Rod but Ive been reading these forums long enough to know you all are just wrenchaholics like me and can appreciate any hard work on wheels.
You all seem like a knowlegable bunch of guys and gals and I appreciate all the help I get from you and I'll chime in if I feel I can add anything.

Thanks in advance, Wrenchaholic