My name is Tom and I am new here. I don't own a hotrod, as such, I have a 1994 Corvette coupe. But I would like to get a late 40's early 50's car or truck to "restofy". Not really restore, but I would like to modify it to make a street rod of sorts. Ideally 49-54 Chevy PU or Chevy/Pontiac/Buick coupe (business coupe would be perfect) I don't want radical, just a clean cruiser. I grew up in the late 60's with all the muscle cars, so I'm not a total dufus about performance and building/modify cars, but what I am projecting isn't in the realm that I have performed before. I am good with my hands and have a reasonable amount/variety of tools.

I have been looking for the right candidate, I just haven't found it yet. I have been lurking here for some time. I doubt that until such time that get my subject that I'll be able to offer much in the way of help, but on the other hand I won't be asking a bunch of questions either.

Sorry to make such a long intro, but I thought you guys ought to know where I am coming from. I'll be lurking/learning.