I have been into cars for 42 years and still enjoy the American hotrod/muscle car the most. I have owned 50+ cars and driven 3x that many in my years. I have owned 3 successful shops and have not been in my tool box for 3 years. I know it's sad. BUT........ my 17yrold son just signed up for shop in his senior year and YYYEEEEHHHAAAA I'm about to be back.
I have 2 undergrad degrees and a graduate degree from LSU, associate with my buddies( mechanical engineers working small and large tool design and the space shuttle fuel cells), 7sec super gas cars, mud trucks and if I can find one, a 55 210 chevrolet to build with the latest technology and changes we like to make on old ideas. I build balanced performance thats outrageous. If the engine produces 810hp, the brakes handle 2400bhp ect.ect.
At any rate nice site, good forums and information. I currently own BMW 533i Alpina, Ford Crown Vic, 1970 Yenko Duce (REAL not a clone) bought it in 1975 for $500.00 and drive it hard a couple times a month
I have 4 patents ranging from infant tennis shoes to water tight casts for broken limbs. I have lived all over the world compliments of my Fighter Pilot father, served My country in the Army and as I have read on this site, If you never fought for Liberty, you have no Idea How GREAT It Tastes.