Hello all I am a 26 year old from Ohio. I work in data entry.. I live a boring life...blah blah, what else is there in Ohio?
Other than that, I love muscle cars and drag racing. I own an 81 Z28 Camaro. I found it literally on the side of the road, and talked the guy into selling it to me! haha
His loss. He didn't know what it was worth. It is my 5th Camaro.. And it is by far the best. I totally re-did the interior *It was a total mess* and after his driving it, the clutch was gone. After fixing all that he destroyed, I decided to up the cam a lil'. Well, about 6 mos after that the idiot who put in the oil pump had brazed it, and it of course came loose. I figured that it was a good time to rebuild the good old 4 bolt.
My car fits me well... it is a temperamental bitch, just as I am!
Oh, but I love the look on a guys face when I blow them away!!!! and driving a 4 speed at that!
Funny how MEN think that us women cant drive stick..............