Hey all! I passed a small car lot in the Poconos and had to slam the brakes and take a closer look. There are eight cars out front, and I'm sure there are more in the back. Told a friend of mine about it, and he knew of the place. Appears that they are old movie cars, not necessarily "star" cars, but the "extras" on the streets. He said he spoke with the owner, and that he does not work on the cars, some run, some run rough, and some he can't get started. The prices seem decent (actual book values on the windshields). If anyone's interested, I can get the number this weekend. I may even need to add another to my stable. I like the '55 4 door, a family hot rod, the '52 4 door is kind cool, too.


P.S. I don't own these, but thought somebody might be looking for a new toy.