
I have gotten to the point where I have her convinced that a 2nd play car would be fun to build. Her only point is, we have 2 small girls that love to ride with dad. And she wants to have something we all 4 can ride in to local cruises, etc. My likes are in the T bucket, or 34 3 window variety just to give you some back ground of my likes.. I am going to put it together, so it will need to be in kit form as I am a newbie with complete builds. Does anyone have a 4 seater convertible kit of some type. I saw a touring car once. Is there an after market kit for something similar? We also concerned about safety, so that is a consideration.. I really don't want a tudor sedan. And I like earlier vintage styles (earlier than the 40"s). Any suggestions would be great. Any pics would be wonderful. Thanks for the help.
