In the BEST possible way of course.

Having trolled this site as long as I have, I KNOW what cars CAN be.

AND so, I have tried to raise my standards to coincide with the best here, bringing the bar (nearly) beyond my reach.

Now, I fully realize there are different levels of "restoration ", and caveat emptor in effect:

Just received my "restored" 75 firebird and it is a lesson on why to not buy a car "sight unseen", and off craigslist to boot.

That said, it's not all bad, and I can see thousands of dollars in new parts, but the details are in the pudding.

Why can't everyone share our values?

Holy cow, the guy that bought my 73 charger got a great deal.

What the hell, there's a reason not everyone owns an antique car.

On the plus side, she's sure got some curb appeal!