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Thread: I love driving my Hot Rod!

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  1. #1
    blwn31's Avatar
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    I love driving my Hot Rod!


    Just got back from the NSRA Golden State Nationals with my buddy. Car purred like kitten on our 40 minute commute. Love the excited thumbs up that ya get from some people. It's amazing how many people are in autopilot mode when driving. Life must not have much zing for them. I don't care if my hot rod smells a little (under construction), not comfortable and vibrates a bit. But hey, it looks and sounds friggin' Bitchen! Can't wait till tomorrow and Sunday.
    Would upload a pic, but haven't gotten that far yet.


  2. #2
    Whiplash23T's Avatar
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    I can relate to that also Keith, it is a buzz when you drive your car and everybody else is driving normal shopping carts. The look of envy on some of their faces sums up how stuck in a rut most people allow themselves to be. I am so looking forward to get some more miles on my Bucket as so as possible.
    I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.

    Isaiah 48: 17,18.


  3. #3
    blwn31's Avatar
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    Normal shopping carts, Love that one. LMAO!!!


  4. #4
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Shows and events don't really do it for me any more, I get more fun out of just taking my car out to run errands or simply go for a little drive. Tonight was very cool and breezy so I just went for about an hour drive and then put it away.

    The reactions you get from people are the best. Some days I am getting thumbs up, people calling to me, and stuff like that. Then other days it is like the car is invisible. I would love to hear some of the comments made by non car types when they see a hot rod in the flesh.


  5. #5
    blwn31's Avatar
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    Don I'm willing to bet most could care less. I do agree with you, sometimes the hot rod is invisible, but not usually. I too would like to hear what the average Joe thinks.
    What I like about larger shows I guess, could happen at my house, a buddies house or even a park. It's the camaraderie of my friends/buddies. Hanging out knocking a couple beers/sodas back and bench racing. Oh yeah, looking a other rods too.


  6. #6
    1gary is offline Banned Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Your building your hot rod for you.Because of that either way I think it doesn't matter.You know you can always come here for approval.
    Good Bye

  7. #7
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Roughly 8 out of 10 people consider the automobile just another appliance in their life. It generates no more enthusiasm for them than their toaster. Down in Pops neighborhood lively discussion probably centers around who's got the niftiest hearing aid or pacemaker. Younger folk get all jazzed about the latest iGizmo or vid game................some stuff about "the cloud" or something.

    While I look forward each year to the GG deal at Puyallup, the small, sometimes spontaneous, gatherings are more interesting. We're a small brotherhood with a limited interest, so it's encouraging to find like minded folk.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  8. #8
    sfort's Avatar
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    My dad's first car was a stripped down T with a crate for a seat. I remember him telling me he used bacon rhine and a Prince Albert can to repair a bad bearing. That took him from walking to riding and extended his range of travel for work and pleasure. I went from wearing out my bike to a 56 chevy. You always had to make sure they were maintained. 85% of the folks today don't know where their dip stick is and what it is for! I bought my wife a new used car last month and s__t open the hood and you can't see the engine. They used to teach auto shop and homemaking in school not today! Would not surprise me in the future for cars to have a use clock and after a certain amount of time or when the battery runs down it is recycled. THE OLDER I GET THE MADDER I GET! I need a project other than the ones life has forced on me!

  9. #9
    stovens's Avatar
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    I was thinking of pushing the truck to the local sunday afternoon hotrod show(once a month 2 blocks from my house!) Figure that it would be fun!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  10. #10
    406Rich's Avatar
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    Hey Keith sory I missed you this year...the only year I did`nt go....
    `37 Ford Coupe
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    Kids in the back seat may cause accidents, accidents in the back seat may cause kids, so no back seat, no accidents...!

  11. #11
    glennsexton's Avatar
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    Over this past summer, I spent a bit of time on my son’s Ryan’s 71 Chevy pickup – the interior was a bit on the ratty side and the instruments were having some issues and the tires were getting thin. He’s still in college, working two jobs and making a lot of good decisions and very few bad ones. After reading through Dave’s post about his grand daughters and all the good stuff going on with Don and his boys I was once again reminded how blessed I am to have great kids. In addition to new interior and tires, I installed ceramic Hookers and took the truck to a local shop and had Flowmaster 40’s put on with nice stainless tips that dump just in front of the tires – Wow, what a nice sound. The old 350 is getting a bit tired, but it still has some grunt and a nice throaty lope at idle.

    Ryan drives a Ford Escort most of the time (33mpg versus 13mpg – and did I mention he’s still a college student?) so from time-to-time, I fire up the Chevy and Joanie and I go for a little drive. The sound is awesome and we definitely get a lot of thumbs up. Feel like I’m 16 and on “E Street” in San Bernardino all over again!

    Long story short –yup, I too love to cruise in a hot rod – the sounds and smells and smiles are all part of it, Keith! Thanks for starting this thread.

    Regards All,
    "Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty." John Basil Barnhil

  12. #12
    blwn31's Avatar
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    Rich, sorry I missed ya. Hopefully soon though! Glen, my pleasure! It's always nice to start a post people enjoy reading and or participate in.

    Last edited by blwn31; 10-18-2011 at 10:06 AM.

  13. #13
    bentwings's Avatar
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    Here is my ride. Did it all myself. It's got about 16k on the clock now in 2 1/4 years.
    I too prefer to drive around rather than sit at shows. Every Wed morning a bunch of us meet for breakfast then we go someplace by the back roads. Usually about 150-200 miles. it's a weekly test of how good your car is. Nobody like to hold up the group so the cars are pretty durable. i think we have had only one tow home and that was with AAA.

    I love the sound of the blower so I don't even have a radio or stereo. 4 of us vacationed together this summer and drove 650 miles up the Iron Range of Minn. We stopped breifly at one show and I picked up the long distance award. we visited another cruise group and went on a cruize of about 90 miles and evening dinner at an old classic drive in. also went to another carshow on the way home. Great trip.

    Aug one of the guys has an annual party so this year we did a tour around 4 popular lakes in the area. We drove thru the rush hour traffic and around the lakes 4 hours. what fun!!!

    I drive my car anytime in the spring,summer,fall rain or shine. It doesn't go inthe snow however....already tried. haha
    Attached Images
    41 Willys 350 sbc 6-71 blower t350, 9in, 4 link
    99 Dodge ram 3500 dually 5 sp 4.10
    Cummins turbo diesel . front license plate, black smoke on demand, Muffler KIA by friendly fire (O&A Torch co) fuel pump relocated, large fuel lines. silencer ring installed in glove box, Smarty

    older than dirt

  14. #14
    Oldmanb's Avatar
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    Nothing quite like cruising and watching folks expressions. Had an older couple,I'd guess 70's- early 80's in a Dodge Caravan, with Ohio plates on it,( now that's a 1500 mile trip from home for them!). Anyway pulled up beside me in town today, the old guy was grinning and gave me the thumps up.............made my day!
    Now if it would only warm up, 35 degrees f.

  15. #15
    billy zz is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    i dont care much for shows myself.
    i do love to go for drives in my kaiser/willys 63cj5
    and i get all sorts of comments on it.
    i am almost done with the 27 chevy and i bet i'll get even more with that!
    a hot rod is whatever i decide it is.

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