Im quite frankly tired of looking at my olds under the car cover, and I haven't had any time away from work to go down to state farm and talk to them about insurance on it. So I figure I could ask the guys (and girls) who have insurance on there rods and what it runs.

I've two figures, high and low. Low because its old, high because im 18 and its a 455. But i've also heard motor size is a dont ask dont tell policy? ive also heard they can take a vin number and simply gain the motor specs from that. which would be nice since my olds didn't come stock with the rocket 455. and ive also heard that insurance companies have someone come appraise the car on value? is that true?

Also, I dont want that antique insurance, I want the freedom to drive it whenever I want.

So please, I dont need an exact number, maybe just a figure or anything. Chances are you know more than I do.


thanks guys.