the guys are getting along with the bodywork ............ getting all that new raw sheetmetal covered first with Duraglass and then with body filler ............ the sides were first, working from the bottom to the top ............ and then came the top, which had to be molded (rounded) at the edges but flattened in the center ............. it's looking really good .......... and it still amazes me that they are doing all this by hand ............ but as Brooks says, "that's the way to assure a totally straight, totally clean, totally flawless finish"

Next will be the doors (the nose is already done) and the the whole body can be primed ............ then it's take the body off and set it aside, they'll start building the dash while I'll start on the the engine and transmission work .......... we're going to be throwing some color on the chassis before too long