Hello all, new guy here.
As it is customary to give a little bio and background, here it goes...
I have been into cars since I was around 1.5 years old, (I have pics to prove it), so that makes it about 44.5 years.
I went thru muscle cars (Fairlanes, Chevelles and ElCaminos), on to Cadillacs, ('68 drop top, 70 CDV), trucks ('65 C10) and now I am finally getting around to getting serious with a 1939 Chevy I have drug all over the states.
At the moment (and for the past 10 years) I am an Aircraft Design Engineer.
At last I finally have the 3 big things needed for a good car build: Time, Place AND money.
So, on to my question, has anyone put a 4.6 in a 1939 Chevy?
I just about have the exhaust problem solved, the mounting is almost solved, the steering is maybe solved, and the oil filter relocation is far from solved.
If anyone has dealt with these rather large engines, you will know what I am dealing with.
As much as I hate to give up, the idea of sticking a later I6 in the car is looking more and more like a viable option.