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Thread: Kumbayah, kumbayah………

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  1. #1
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Kumbayah, kumbayah………


    Quote Originally Posted by HOTRODPAINT
    I've been visiting another site lately. I thought CHR seemed a little odd, because the variety of car types and building styles is so widely varied. The other site was the opposite, with basically only one style of building being discussed.

    I thought that it was a good fit for me, but the more I tried to join in discussions, the more bickering and criticism of other genres, I saw, and when anybody would question things, even in a positive manner, entire threads would disappear with no explanation!

    Too much control for me! It's like starting to talk to someone, and an invisible "big brother" turns off the sound. I was told "I would get the idea".

    I thought I was a solid member of the building style they pronounced, but I'm obviously too broad minded to "get in line and march".

    So again, I will say "thanks". At least on this site, a person can have an opinion! :-)

    I found some enjoyable irony in the above quote from Jay’s post/thread on the temporary site as it captures the essence of some similar thoughts I’d had at about the same time, but was saving to post once the “permanent” site reappeared.

    It is generally accepted that the word “kumbayah” is pidgin for the phrase “come by here”. I want to express my thanks as well to all those who continue to “come by here” to make up the “Club”.

    While we see frequent and justified expressions of gratitude to Brent for maintaining the structure of the site, especially through what sometimes seems all too frequent hardware and software glitches and Bill for his policing efforts, there is a forgotten element; you the participants. I don’t fully subscribe to the “Field of Dreams” notion that “build it and they will come”. Somehow that’s just not enough. People not only need to come here, they need to stay. More to the point, they need a reason to stay. No doubt we each have our own reason(s).

    Those of us that have been around since day one of the site nearly seven years ago had no idea where it would go and how it would grow. We had a hope, but there were no planning meetings, no strategy sessions, no marketing plan designed to rock the world. Just a handful of hot rod enthusiasts who wanted to share their automotive passion on the World Wide Web with like minded folk. Over time more and more folks found their way through the clubhouse door. Some stayed, some left. Those that stayed added to the texture and interest of the room. Sure there were moments of drama, moments of sadness when a member passed, and moments of brilliance and joy. Some of those founding members either lost hope in the direction the site took, or lost interest in the hobby, others kept on keepin’ on. Each site on the web takes on a life of its own. Some are belligerent, some are not. Thankfully this one has chosen to stay with the original theme of civil discourse and a broad variety of interest within the hot rod sphere. Again the membership deserves credit for this because it’s through their shunning of the “disruptive” elements who sometimes stumble through the door that we maintain that civility and diverse interest within the automotive construct.

    While I would hope differently, odds are we’ve lost some members because of the resent protracted down cycle of the permanent site, though the temporary site was a valiant effort to maintain a semblance of “normalcy”. I suspect some folks just didn’t see any point in posting to something that they knew would “disappear”. Happily others of you chose to participate in the spirit of the permanent site. Any of you reading this obviously chose to “hang in there” and return to the “normal” (well, as normal as this crowd can be ) site. Again, let me say “THANKS” for choosing to continue to kumbayah. I enjoy spending time with you.
    Last edited by Bob Parmenter; 01-14-2008 at 06:42 AM.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  2. #2
    brickman's Avatar
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    Likewise I am sure Bob, this is the greatest Car site there is.
    "Sunshine, a street rod and a winding beautiful Ozarks road is truely Bliss!"

  3. #3
    maxxmuscle's Avatar
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    I found this site purely by accident. Snooped around abit, read alot of posting and thought, "THIS is a cool place to learn some stuff!!" I've been on other forums that have alot of information but the "characters" there are missing something... can't put my finger on it, but I LOVE this forum. Kudos to you guys involved in making it one of the best reasons to "surf the net"!!! THANKS!!! Donny
    If its not worth doing right, its not worth doing... Donny, MaxxMuscle Custom Painting

  4. #4
    Hidebinder's Avatar
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    I've been to some of the other sites and I'm not sure what it is but they seem to be lacking the comfort factor. This site has that old comfortable overstuffed chair comfort feel where you can feel right at home.

  5. #5
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Thank you Bob for posting this now. It seems very appropriate in light of the "rebirth" of CHR. You are correct about the members making this forum a comfortable, special place to hang out. The different personalities, experiences, and knowledge base make this one of the best on the internet IMO. Some may boast a larger member base, but as we all know, bigger isn't always better.

    The thread I posted last week regarding a different feel may have been premature. I agree that it may have been the result of us being in that twilight zone between the old machinery and the new. Already things feel back to normal and I see lots of folks posting projects, questions, and other interesting stuff.

    I too hope that some who had thought about moving on reconsider. Having each of them here contributed a great deal to the makeup of CHR and they would be sorely missed.


  6. #6
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Man, I was looking for the campfire!!!!! Thought we was gonna sing some John Denver songs and pass the pipe a bit!!!!!!
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
    Carroll Shelby

    Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!

  7. #7
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    After reading your stuff for 5 years I know you've got the pipe part down pat, but you'd better bring a bucket to help you carry the tune!!
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  8. #8
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I have to say that after only a few minutes of pokin' around the "resurrected" site, I feel a lot happier now that I'm starting to see more of the usual names then the bootstrapped version. While I've only been around a couple of years or so under one personna or the other, it does feel comfortable. I do belong to other forums, but this still seems the easiest to get into a good discussion without too many flames.

    If Dave S wants to stoke up the fire.......and I'll bring the John Denver records and tapes which dates me...... and I never went to either Woodstock even tho it's only about 60 miles away
    Dave W
    I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug

  9. #9
    FAYLUR's Avatar
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    Oh for crying out loud. I grew up in the 60's when the term was popular and have always thought it meant sopers,mariwhoche,and free love.Gawd I feel stupid now,but nowdays stupid is far out,cool,uptightoutasight,,,doesn't it???
    "On a r-e-e-e-e-al,,,,qu-i-i-i-i-i-et night,,,,,,,,(whisper),,,,,,,, you can hear a Ford rust!!!"

  10. #10
    Old Coyote's Avatar
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    Thanks Bob ......... as a "newbie" to this site, it is nice to know that the "old-timers" are ready to embrace us "twerps" and make us part of the family ....... that attitude is a large part of the reason we stay here

  11. #11
    falconvan's Avatar
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    Nobody else will listen to my continuous, non stop rambling about building cars but you old coots! Well, my wife does but I think she's just being kind. My brother was in my shop last night so I could weld something on his truck and he said something like, "Dont you lose money on all your labor on building these old cars?" Another non-car guy who just dont get it. Seriously, thanks for listening. You guys keep the hobby fun. And if anyone can help me with that turn signal switch question on my other thread, I'd be much obliged.

  12. #12
    dangeroustoy's Avatar
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    It has been interesting, to say the least. While I have not been a memeber as long as Uncle Bob, I have been around a while! I should also mention that while I lurk much more than I used to, I still frequent CHR!

    So don't forget that I'm Watching You!

    Dave Brisco

  13. #13
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by IC2
    I have to say that after only a few minutes of pokin' around the "resurrected" site, I feel a lot happier now that I'm starting to see more of the usual names then the bootstrapped version. While I've only been around a couple of years or so under one personna or the other, it does feel comfortable. I do belong to other forums, but this still seems the easiest to get into a good discussion without too many flames.

    If Dave S wants to stoke up the fire.......and I'll bring the John Denver records and tapes which dates me...... and I never went to either Woodstock even tho it's only about 60 miles away
    Cold here Dave, had the fire going since November.... The records would be great though the wine and wacky tobaccy has been replaced with coffee and a pack of Marlboro's, life goes on!!!!!
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
    Carroll Shelby

    Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!

  14. #14
    C9x's Avatar
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    I thought that was a silent prayer uttered when the Buick doesn't want to start.

    "C'mon Buick, c'mon Buick, c'mon boy, there's Chevys waitin' out there."

    Who me?
    Not me.
    Suffered a few of those poetic justice things a few times though....

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