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Thread: Rodding Pet Peeves

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    34_40's Avatar
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    Rodding Pet Peeves


    Okay, we all have at least one. So what is your "Pet Peeve"? You know, what "bugs" you for some unknown reason? I think a lot of you already know one of mine if the Red Steelie Wheels and then crown it with Wide Whitewalls... ouch! I just have to turn away!
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    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    I'm not sure I'll live long enough to start that list......................

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    Bob, isn't that the other way around, list to long ...............

    Wheelie bars on a car with flowmaster mufflers, stock motor, any street driven car.
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    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    Ricers with coffee can mufflers
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    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Mine is IFS on anything without fenders. I guess I should start a poll on how many folks have driven any length of time in a straight axle car and specifically across country.
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    53 Chevy5's Avatar
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    A perfectly executed rat rod with nothing overdone and everything done with good taste, and then you see an exposed electric fan on the radiator. A guy in our town has that and it drives me nuts!
    pepi, 34_40, 40FordDeluxe and 1 others like this.

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    rspears's Avatar
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    Like Uncle Bob my list is long, but I'd say my biggest is the guys who have the car built, and then proclaim how they "built it from scratch" to anyone whether they ask or not. To be a "check writer" is OK, but then to tell folks how you built it, or how "we built it" when they just paid the bill at the end is pure arrogance.

    Another is "Rat Rods" that are overdone, built purely for the shock effect and nothing else.
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    36 sedan's Avatar
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    Mine is "HATE". I hate hate.
    Hows that for an oxymoron...
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  9. #9
    34_40's Avatar
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    Wow, some good ones above.

    Bob, - go ahead.. I already started the list. LOL

    Wheelie Bars. Oh yeah, foolishness away from a track imo, I watched someone get stuck at a gas station when the rear tires came off the ground!
    Ricer mufflers, up here in New England we still call'em Fart Cans. Now "they" have perfected the fuel load so when they take their foot off the throttle, it sounds like a machine gun going off! SIGH..
    IFS without fenders... okay.. I guess it's all about "the look" , kinda goes with wheelie bars maybe? I HATE a straight axle on a car. Our 48 F-1 still has it's original axle, just awful!
    OH - if you do the poll, it'll be a good way to see how many of us still look in here! LOL
    Rat Rods, oh boy.... the "perfect rat rod", perfectly executed..???..?? Never saw one. I have seen many so called "rat rods" and the only thing different than mine was their flat black paint! But I get your point on the fan... kinda like a easy cheat or way out ain't it?!!??
    Check writers.. who fail to credit the shop/builder, I'll agree with you. Someone has their car built, I don't have a problem! But acting like they personally turned every bolt/nut and don't acknowledge they can barely drive it.. that's just fraud or deception IMHO.... I am glad to see a pro shop built car. Love to look'em over. But I hate being lied to.!

    My other "issue" with Rats as they're called, it's the one just purely built to offend. Assembled with zero knowledge of auto technology and basic physics. And I hate a rusty P.O.S.!
    Thanks to all for sharing so far!
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    I put wheelie bars on my corvette and many people complained. I got them in trade with the rear end and liked the look and had big dreams of it using them. It did use the LH one a few times so they did get used. My biggest pet peeve is there always is that guy nit picking builds apart and hating but then you find out he is a check writer. Or the guys that can't get out of the traditional is pure soap box. Most of the parts they claim are from back in the day have to be rebuilt or replaced so what does it matter if it is a reproduction? If a guy waits for every NOS old part for his build he'll never get it done. Just my .02.

    Dave Severson, pepi and 34_40 like this.
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  11. #11
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 40FordDeluxe View Post
    ...Or the guys that can't get off of the traditional is pure soap box. Most of the parts they claim are from back in the day have to be rebuilt or replaced so what does it matter if it is a reproduction? If a guy waits for every NOS old part for his build he'll never get it done. Just my .02.
    YES! The guy (on The HAMB) who wasn't even a gleam in his daddy's eye until sometime after 1991 preaching to everyone what's right & wrong because "back in the day"! Seriously? His first drivers license was issued after 2000 and you're going to tell me about back in the day? I'm 73 and I didn't experience "back in the day" first hand!

    Quote Originally Posted by NTFDAY View Post
    Mine is IFS on anything without fenders.....
    Ken, if you happen to see me at a gathering and notice the roadster is sitting there just wave from a distance
    Last edited by rspears; 05-01-2021 at 05:58 AM. Reason: Clarified The HAMB Reference!
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  12. #12
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 36 sedan View Post
    Mine is "HATE". I hate hate. How's that for an oxymoron...
    Just sayin', I don't see any "HATE" here. A Pet Peeve is by definition something that a particular person finds especially annoying. No mention of hate, just something that rubs you a bit wrong when you see it or experience it. Like Mike says, I expect we all have a few, some more than others...... especially us old curmudgeons!
    pepi, 34_40, 36 sedan and 1 others like this.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  13. #13
    34_40's Avatar
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    I guess I used the word "hate", but it's an off the cuff remark. Maybe I should've said, "it's not my preference?" NAH, that's to soft. LOL..

    And I have been guilty of nit picking at a show. But I am not so classless as to do it in front of the car and owner. I log it into my memory and keep it as things "not to do"!

    And a major one... "Traditional" & "back in the day". I was at a cruise in a few years back and got into an argument over that topic. When I asked the fella what did he consider "the day"? he said 60's and 70's.. I laughed and said he was all wrong, I lived it and we did none of the things he thought we all did, he told me I was crazy ( which I guess is partly accurate!) and everyone knows the way it was! I knew he was a lost cause, I didn't want to go down to his level so I walked. I blame TV for that one. It's all Happy Days in their minds. IMHO.. But I never hated on him! 8-) just fooling around now! Great conversation !

    Ryan, at least your car was on the track! So the wheelie bars fit the scene. Not a daily driver.
    jerry clayton and MP&C like this.

  14. #14
    36 sedan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    Just sayin', I don't see any "HATE" here. A Pet Peeve is by definition something that a particular person finds especially annoying. No mention of hate, just something that rubs you a bit wrong when you see it or experience it. Like Mike says, I expect we all have a few, some more than others...... especially us old curmudgeons!
    Sorry, wasn't meant as a statement, more as an ironic response to the question of "Pet Peeves", thus the oxymoron. It was not in conjunction with any thing anyone said or eluded to, rather it was meant in humor. Unfortunately it came across poorly, my bad.............
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  15. #15
    MP&C's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 34_40 View Post
    And I have been guilty of nit picking at a show. But I am not so classless as to do it in front of the car and owner. I log it into my memory and keep it as things "not to do"!
    I'll normally take the guys from the shop to at least one show a year, and we'll walk around and "critique" as a learning tool for the guys to see how some things are done, why they shouldn't be, how we would correct/eliminate certain defects, etc, etc. Of course, out of earshot.

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