today I honored a request three days old: from a Vietnam nam vet of three tours. Request was to assist with a riding mower which wouldn't start.

I avoided the visit; knowing his health is deteriorating and for that reason I've been hoping that not hearing from him was good news.

So, I jumped off thde mower with my truck to get it running, and inflated the tires. Then I mowed the lawn. It seems he wouldn't have an easy time of it, seeing as his big toe is rotting off, mainly due to incompetence and indifference of medical care. But now at least he is on antibiotics so maybe he has a chance to keep the foot..

The 92 Celica my VFW post donated him needs brake work and a tune up. So I suppose that will be Mondays task.

I was disheartened that I had no shoes until I met the man with no feet.