Well it's another 4th of July. The wife is up north visiting her mother (her mom's birthday is today). My daughter and youngest grandson and couple of friends are coming over in a bit (one who just got back from Afghanistan).

Going to have burgers, brats and kabobs and probably swap some tales about cars we used to have (they DO get faster every year after you sell them you know.......I should be in the 8s on street tires soon )

Our little town is going to put on fireworks again this year. The town is small enough that when they set them off at the top of the hill almost everyone in town should be able to see them from their own homes. We plan on breaking in the new deck watching them this year.

In spite of everything that is going on I still believe this is the best place in the world to be.

flag Pole by M Patterson, on Flickr

Have a safe and happy holiday everyone.
