As many of you know I've been having health problems. The 11th of April I went in the hospital peeing blood. It was determined that my kidneys were shutting down so I was catheterized and a port in my chest was installed for dialysis. I underwent many other tests and procedures and a lot of things were found to be undesirable, a little psoriasis of the liver and COPD were the biggest.
I spent 17 days in the hospital, being released on the 28th, and started dialysis on the 29th. Yesterday I was told it was my last day for dialysis and they would determine in the near future if the port in my chest would be coming out.
I guess my kidneys kick started and maybe I can get back to something near normal with some restrictions. I am very thankful and quite fortunate with this turn of events and I want to thank all of you good folks that have kept me in your thoughts and prayers